Happy Birthday Jack! Our little tank turns 4 today. Sure wish we had some firecrackers to light today, as they pop about as bright as your personality!
I've talked about Jack a few times before, but thinking about him today makes me smile ~ as that is his speciality ~ smiling! Man, this boy can smile! And it's a great smile too, not one of those dorky little girly-boy grins; it is an earlobe to earlobe smile, as I can count the teeth in his head with each smile. Don't ever lose that smile my little fire hydrant; it will take you far in life!
Jack Arthur, another personal word of encouragement from your loving Pappy; yes, you ARE bigger than 'the baby', but I hope you're preparing yourself for the inevitable. Meaning, you probably AREN'T going to always be bigger than 'the baby' :-). (I think O'Mike is going to dwarf everyone in this family other than Jared Henry.)
So eat hearty today, enjoy the cake, the ice cream, and whatever other goodies are being prepared for you. I love you always Jack Arthur Stank.
- Pappy
P.S. I can hear the football announcer now "he jukes left, he plows right, he's leaving them in the dust! Man, that Stank boy can run. Better not get in his way, he'll run right over you ~ no wonder they called him a little tank when he was growing up!"
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