Angela; there are a lot of numbers in this blog. Breath deeply; I know you can make it through . . .
Although the Bible does not tell us how old Eve was when she died, it does say that Adam was 930, and that Eve gave birth to 56 children. Most theories suggest that Adam & Eve were married over 900 years, and have the longest known marriage in history.
But, let's talk about sometime a little closer to today's calendar. Like 1772, when the modern day record of marriage was set for 91 years and 12 days by a couple in NYC. Or, 1918, when the 2nd longest marriage on record belongs to a couple from India for 88 years and 2 days.
As of today, there are 29 couples in the world that have been married for longer than 80 years. One of them is in the United Kingdom, and if they live to the end of December, they will be married for 88 years and 3 days, and will move into 2nd place.
Another couple in Shanghai, China have now been married for 83 years.
Did you know that 59% of the population is married, which accounts for 55.2 million marriages.
Some sad facts are that 60% of marriages end in divorce after an average of 7 years and 8 months for a first marriage.
And, that 70% of second marriages end in divorce after an average of 7 years and 3 months for a second marriage.
Only 20% of married couples make it to 35 years of marriage.
Only 5% of married couples make it to 50 years of marriage.
So . . ., why the picture of my wedding party?
Well, a few reasons. The first being, holy cow, did we look horrible in 1977 or what?!
From left, that's me, the human zipper, with a full head of hair, sun glasses, and standing 6' with a whopping 138 lbs. of flesh. Jiminy. 138 lbs. (Thankfully, 36 years of 1st marriage to Pam have improved my physique to 220 lbs.).
Next to me is Steve Vives. He still has all his hair, though fully gray. Married for 33 years of 1st marriage to Debbie. Lives happily in the land of cotton; enjoys 300+ days of warmth a year.
Then we have Mike Bertuzzi; arguably the best looking one of the bunch (it was either him or McDonald). Bertuzzi was the stud at 6' and 185 lbs., making enemies of the football coaches as he spurned football and starred in track instead. Married for 30+ years of 1st marriage to Caroline.
Next is my brother Paul Fournier. He will tell you he is the smartest one in the group. I will beg to differ; but that's the only time I have ever had a difference of opinion with my brother Paul. Married for almost 25 years of 1st marriage to Nancy; and an avid Chiefs fan, which is good to be this year.
Then we have Mike McDonald; a fellow Cardinals and Thunder fan, and the only one in the group that I have had much (but not enough) continued contact with over the decades. Married for 30+ years of 1st marriage to Beth.
Next is Bill Pollock. Unfortunately, Bill died prematurely of a work-related animal virus, which happened shockingly fast. Bill was a great man, and had been married for 10+ years of 1st marriage.
Mark Politte rounds out the motley crew. Mark and I attended the same church in Broken Arrow back in the 80's, but unfortunately too, have not had much contact with since then. Married for 30+ years of 1st marriage to Sue.
Now, here is the tricky part . . .
I was 19 years old when married to Pam, my high school sweetheart. But, after 36 years, every single one of my wedding party is also on their 1st marriage! 7 in the wedding party, and 7 solid marriages.
Wow. I'm really great at math, but I can't figure out what the odds would be of this happening. 1 in a billion? 1 in a trillion? It's an amazingly high number though for going 7 of 7 after 36 years.
Special note to my Mom & Dad; they celebrated 58 years of 1st marriage last August!
So, in closing; I want the modern day record! I want it bad!! I have always proclaimed, stated, and believed that I am going to live to be 107. But, in order to get the record, that 107 number has to be revised. I have to live to 111, and Pam has to live to 110 in order for us to reach 92 years of marriage and set the new record.
I'm up for it honey. How about you? Instead of working till I'm 80 or 85, maybe I'll keep going to 88, so I can coast through the last 23 years of retirement. :-)
I love you Pamela Jean.
Special note to Steve Vives, Mike Bertuzzi, Mike McDonald, Paul Fournier, and Mark Politte; a most sincere and well earned Congratulations! for the length of your marriage. Wouldn't it be the ultimate of cool if all of us could be part of the 5% that make it to 50 years of 1st marriage!
I am a blessed man.