Jared’s sense of right and wrong is only black and white, with no visible shade of gray, as he always is the first to inform the closest person of the family if someone is out of line, or has done something wrong. With this type of prophetic personality, Jared will one day make a great Judge, hopefully a conservative one. And, since there is already an Attorney in the family, (Jan, his Mom); that vocation might not be out of reach for him.
Jared is a talker, and a master negotiator. As a young baby, he was quite the babbler, and those skills have carried on in his life thus far. Put him in a room with cousin Ava, Aunt Jackie, Nini, and his Mom, and you might think that he would be overmatched to those other well-known and legendary chatterboxes. Not so. Jared would be able to hold his own against these other four females. Something rare for a male indeed. Jared is technically my nephew. But, he only has one set of living grandparents, and because he runs in the same circles as my other grandchildren, being in the same age group, and he lives locally too, I love him and his brother as two of my own grandchildren. I will always count him and his brother as two of my six, thus explaining the math problem of the day for those of you that know me, and why this blog is called 6xPappy.
Jared is naturally gifted as a leader, (he is a type A), and he is one of three anal-retentive children that I know (Ava and Will being the other two). Since that is my dominant trait as well, it is quite easy to spot that characteristic in others. Jared excels in school, loves to be the ‘line leader’, is very outgoing, polite, and knows how to work a room with his extroverted personality. That too is a great trait he inherited from his Mom, the original social butterfly, and from which Jared has perfected the skill as a young boy.
Jared loves to play sports, and currently excels with baseball and football; though his team lost a heartbreaker in the Super Bowl two weeks ago 12-6. Jared ran for 400 yards (the official stats will probably show something closer to 50 yards), but you have to watch flag football in person to understand what all the extra running is for.My recommendation though is for him to play basketball, as he towers over most children, and could end up being well over 6’ tall by the time he makes it to college. Besides, I predict that Jared’s football career will come to a quick end the first time he gets tackled with the wind knocked out of his sails, as he is not known as being ‘the tough one’. That title is reserved for his little brother Jack; a well-earned title indeed. Jared is a good looking kid, definitely cut from the Cunningham cloth of good looking genes; tall, lean, good posture, and with great big beautiful sky blue eyes that will stare right through you. I love you Jared Henry.
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