On the Tuesday of spring break, we hosted WP and oMike for a day/night of fun at Nini's house. I had to work most of the day and night, so I missed out on most of the exhausting activities.
The boys arrived, and Nini had prepared 2 or 3 dozen Easter eggs for the boys to dye and decorate. She had thought this activity would take 2 or 3 hours; instead, they blazed through it in 15 minutes. Happened so fast we weren't able to even get a picture. Plus, just as soon as the eggs were dry, the boys, (especially WP) were cracking them to eat, and he put away at least a dozen just by himself.
What they really wanted to do was play outside in the dirt pile, and play they did! Despite the cooler temps, and the incessant 30-50 mph winds, they had a great time in the dirt, and had one of the neighbor boys over to help them dig to China.
Snack time was all day. Nini had prepared a 2 'x 3' sheet of Rice Crispy treats, plus 4 family size bags of chips, plus 5 of the 12 packs of canned full sugar pop, plus a basket of candy bars, plus 8 bags of muffins, cookies, and cake mixes to cook, plus a box of candy canes, plus a few other things that I lost track of. She and I don't eat that stuff, so I asked her what it was for, and she said "For the boys to snack on." And I said, well, are they bringing the 245th army brigade with them too? Wow, that was a lot of sugar.
And guess what, oMike did not eat a bite of dinner, and WP barely did. I wonder why?
After dinner, the highlight of the day was "Frozen", which they'd already seen several times. I've already blogged about my disdain for this movie; hoping it was going to be Shrek friendly. Not so, but the boys loved it, and that is all that matters.
Bedtime came late, and I was already long gone to sleepy land, but Nini ended up sharing a bed with oMike (BIG mistake), and WP slept perfectly on the blow up. WP and Nini could share 12" of bed space, and still have leftover room. Once they fall asleep, they do not move. But oMike sleeps like me, and that means that if he is in a King size bed, he will touch every corner of it before morning. Plus, throw in the slinging arms, the leg kicks, the snorts, the snores, the yelling, and the thrashing, and I've had a perfectly good night of sleep; as has oMike. But not so for anyone else that decides to share the bed with him, or myself.
The highlight of my time with them was snuggling WP for 32 minutes early that morning as he was waking up on his air bed. I did not move, nor did he; but he sure got lots of kisses from Paps to rouse him from his slumber. :-)
More about our day with the girls later on . . .
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