Saturday, August 15, 2015

I Am A Blessed Man

If I needed proof (which I don't!) that I am a blessed man; this 26 second video is all the proof I need.

I love word pictures, and in the day before selfies and camera phones; whenever I would talk to either of my daughters on the phone, I would always ask them to describe to me what they were wearing, and how they had done their make up, and how they had fixed their hair.  It helped me to see them in my mind.

The tradition continues with my grand-girls.  The boys would say "I have on a t-shirt."  Or, "I have on my shorts".  Short, non-descript, and they could care less.  It was always a hard conversation that I could not get started with them.  But, I stopped asking my grand-sons completely after Romeo answered me one day "I'm sitting here naked playing with my peanut" (and you can guess what his peanut is).  That was a word picture I didn't need to see....

Anyway, both of my grand girls are into fashion, drama, clothes, style, and being total girly-girls, and they always do a great job of explaining their ensemble for the day.

Occasionally, they have Mom take a phone video and send it to me.  This is their answer to my request from yesterday. 

I love you girls!  I am indeed a blessed man!

Thursday, August 13, 2015


I love mornings; especially early mornings; which is something I must have inherited from my Mom.  Pam (my wife) calls it the middle of the night; but I call it early morning.  I normally rise anywhere from 230a to 530a.  Pam is still up most nights till 11p to midnight; but I've usually been asleep for 2 to 2.5 hours by then.  After 8p, I struggle for the last 1 to 1.5 hours to stay awake till bedtime.  She thinks (probably rightfully so) that I will one day be one of those old people that goes to bed at 8p.    

Unless I have been dosed with Benedryl, I am up early of a morning (other than in winter when I tend  to hibernate, and can easily sleep to 7a).  A normal week for me is usually 1 day a week by 3a, 1 day a week by 4a, 3 days a week by 5a, 1 day a week by 6a, and 1 day a week by 7a (the Benedryl day).

This picture was taken at 530a on June 22nd as I was headed to breakfast.  I thought it was a beautiful sunrise.  I have seen lots of beautiful sunrises.

I love to be at QT early of a morning watching the lemmings.  It is enjoyable to watch the routine of some people.  I will never be called a people-person or be gifted with the ability to read people (like Pam can), but morning observation of people at QT is fascinating to me.

I love to leave early on trips.  When my girls were growing up; I wanted to be on the road by 3a, or 4a at the latest if we were driving somewhere on vacation.  Still to this day, if I am leaving for a weekend getaway with Pam, I want to be on the road early.  She is fine with leaving home by Noon; but I want to be at my new destination by Noon!  Unless we are flying somewhere, we usually compromise on the time; and leave by 10a; (which is the middle of the day for me).

I love the solitude of morning.  I can think, pray, concentrate, write; and enjoy life without distractions.  The most productive part of my day is usually before 8a.

Thank you Jesus for the beauty of morning.   

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

School Starts

My grandkids start back to school this week.  The last 2.5 months have gone by too fast.  I did not get to spend as much time with them this summer as I usually do; and it makes me sad.  This summer was stolen due to the loss of my Mom, and due to our moving to temporary housing while we build our new home.

Looking through some old photo's to cheer me up, I came across several that I love, and decided to tie them into the school theme of "describe your child to me in 3 words".  Well...., I know too many words, and I know my grandkids very well, so I will use 7 words, since that is my favorite number.  Besides, I'm their Pappy, and I can use as many words as I want to describe them! :-)

Good luck in school this year; I love you all!

This is Owen Michael (o'Mike). He is now 6 (and 1 month). 

This is Ava Corinne (little Momma). She is now 9 (and 6 months).

This is Will Parker (WP).  He is now 8 (and 9 months).

This is Jared Henry (J Rod). He is now 10 (and 10 months).

This is Jack Arthur (Flap Jack).  He is now 7 (and 5 months).

This is Emma Jo (Spaz).  She is now 7 (and 2 months).

I love you all.
I am a blessed man to be your Pappy!