Sunday, December 4, 2011

New Family Pics * Part 2 of 3


O'Mike, in one of my favorite photo's of him.  Not that there are very many anyway, the dude is only 28 months old!  But, this is a typical picture of him, loving to laugh, and playing with Dad.
My WP.  What a sweet, precious little boy.  Love those eyes and that smirk!

My son in law Steven, WP, O'Mike, and Jackie, my daughter.  They all look good in blue and blond. 
Not sure what the deal is here with O'Mike, though there is some trepidation in his face.
Great picture of Jackie and Steven. She needed a box, as the 10" height difference is obvious in this pose, but they still look great.
I'm telling you, is it any wonder why both of my daughters are so absolutely beautiful?

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