Saturday, December 31, 2011

WP "Hands" Kueny

Will Parker, my precious little Mr. Mercy.  He has these amazing hands.  Hands that are soft to touch, hands that are adorable to hold, hands that have mastered Wii and puzzles.  I love Will's hands.
Last month, while looking through photo albums, I noticed one thing about Will, and that was how many of his pictures show him with "hands to the face".  That's a penalty in football, which I'm sure Will's coach will teach him.  But for now, here are some pics of this evidence.  AND, it started in the womb, as his first picture was with "hands to the face". :-)

P.S.  Please forgive my cave-man skills for scanning, saving, and posting.  After several attempts to scan just the picture, I gave up, and thus ended up with these various backgrounds.  Argh!

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