Tuesday, December 6, 2011

New Family Pics * Part 3 of 3

Emma Jo and Ava Corinne in one of their more loving poses.  Mom & Dad are watching in the background to make sure a knife fight does not break out. Or, in this case, a new chaper to 'gunfight at the O.K. corral.'
I love this picture of the Franco's. Totally sweet, pure, and genuine.
Our original family.  Man, those women are gorgeous!
Angela on the left.  (Hard to believe that when I had hair, that it was as black as hers.)  Jackie on the right.  Both are incredible Moms, wives, and daughters.  I am blessed.
This is a great picture of Joe and Angela.

Ava Corinne, sans most of her teeth.  Ava turns 6 in February, but has already lost 9 of her teeth (with 4 new ones almost in place). As with everything else in Ava's life, she is way ahead of the curve on this too.  Smile monster :-).

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