For those of you new to my blog site; my 6 grandkids are as follows:
Jared Henry, age 8 (aka, The Reporter)
Ava Corinne, age 7 (aka, Monster)
Will Parker, age 6 (aka, WP)
Jack Arthur, age 5 (aka, Jack-Jack)
Emma Jo, age 5 (aka, Spaz)
Owen Michael, age 4 (aka, oMike)
So, since I am not one to break a date; especially a special Pappy date, our fun times continued . . .
We began with lunch at Wendy's. Nuggets and cheeseburgers all around, and debates about what kind of a whale Shamu was (I said 'killer'), and oMike just wanted to know what kinds of things that Shamu killed. He was enthralled with the thought of seals and sharks being eaten by whales. The conversation totally disgusted Emma, as she turned up her nose, and just said something like "gross".
A bathroom incident was averted just in time. Jared was trying to instigate the other boys to walk into the girls bathroom to spy on Ava & Emma. I overheard it just as it appeared that Jack was preparing to take the lead. It might have been oMike trying to take the lead too, but there was definitely some sparing between the two over who was going to go in first. And no, WP, (little mister perfect) was sheepishly tucked in the back corner; wanting no part of this prank.
But, when each of the boys heard quite sternly from me that NONE of them were going in there, and that if any of them did, that they would feel the painful sting of my hand upon their butt, they quickly retreated from the door. The word picture immediately sparked something in oMike's brain as he quickly blurted out in his deep baritone voice, "yeah, and it will hurt like a wasp stinging you." Yes oMike, it definitely would have, I'm just glad that you and Jared didn't have to feel the pain . . .
Jared had come to town with a bit of an attitude. He didn't want to participate in the group hug, or the team meeting. And when it was time to order, he told me he wasn't going to eat lunch. Then he was, then he wasn't, then he was. Can we say Mr. Fickle? He and I went several rounds of negotiating/debating back and forth. He tried to convince me that his Mom always ordered him the picture on the window (which was the double cheeseburger baconator, a beast of a sandwich).
Well, I sniffed that deception out right away. She might order the baconator, but she's also going to split it 3 ways and feed him on it for a week. Jack is a very good eater, but Jared is a nibbler. A nibble here and there. Sure enough, after ordering the 'regular' single cheeseburger that he convinced me he would eat, he managed to eat exactly two bites, and I then wrapped up and placed in a to go bag. (oMike finished it off at the bowling alley). oMike was a hungry boy all day; I've never seen him eat so much throughout the day.
So, after lunch was finished, and the Haz Mat team* had come in to clean up the area where these 6 had sit; it was off to the bowling alley next door. (Actually, Ava did an admirable job of cleaning up after all of her cousins).
*While I was ordering the meals (a challenging task in and of itself), each of them got forks, spoons, napkins, ketchup x 240, straws, lizards, pepper flakes, Asiago cheese, 9mm bullets, cool whip, smoke bombs, and anything else that they could round up from the condiment bar. Rumor has it that Spaz and Monster were trying to make it into the employee break room to confiscate some birthday cake ~ but that was only a rumor; unable to be confirmed by this Pappy. Therefore, it will remain 'alleged'.
At the bowling alley, the task of shoe sizing was daunting. Even with 4 of the 6 shoe sizes being written on the free bowling coupons; it was quite the circus scene, as 2 of the 4 written sizes were not the proper sizes. Knots trying to be untied, purses thrown asunder, Jared's leftover French fries being spilled on the carpet, WP hoarding the green bowling balls, Jack falling over one of them, me trying to go back and forth from the counter to the carpet to try on another size, whew, just getting the shoes sorted was a 10+ minute undertaking.
If Jack-Jack was writing the blog today, this is what he would say:
79 & 93, total 172
72 & 82, total 154
78 & 75, total 153
73 & 74, total 147
55 & 83, total 138
55 & 79, total 134
200 & 189, total 389
And that would probably be the end of the blog. But, that is not "the rest of the story", as there is so much more to tell:
Jack probably would not tell you much more about the day, as he is the most competitive child that I have ever been around. I may not have shared one of his greatest lines ever, but even if I have, it is worth repeating. Earlier this year, Jack came over to Nini's house, and burst through the door (he enters a room similar to oMike ~ like a bull.) So he comes over to me, and I ask him "How is it going Jack?, good to see you!" Without batting an eye (hard to do with those beautiful blue's), he looks up at me and says "Not too good Pappy, we've lost 2 of the last 3 games!" He then saunters off. So funny.
So here we are bowling, and Jack asks me after each frame, and each bowler, "who's winning Pappy?" Well, after hearing it from all 6 a total of 30x, about midway through the 1st game, I educate them on how to read the scoreboard. And that stopped the questions, as they were now always pointing up to it and analyzing the numbers themselves. Smart move Pappy . . .
Jack was my buddy at the alley. Whenever it was my turn to bowl, he would walk up to the foul line on the other alley and watch me bowl as closely as possible; almost every ball. He is so observant, and he wanted to know all about why my ball hooks (he called it curves), and he asked me why I slam my arm like the umpire does just before a strike. He certainly was interested in the nuances of my bowling style. I loved it.
Jack was sad though that he came in last place among the boys. But . . . he was overjoyed when he learned that he had at least beaten both girls. He had beaten someone. That is ALL that mattered.
In this picture, WP is 'schooling' Ava on how to pick up the dreaded 5 - 7 - 10 conversion. Ranked the 2nd most difficult conversion in all of bowling. The 7 - 10 is ranked the most difficult, but I have always disagreed, as I have never seen the 5 - 7 - 10 converted, and I have seen the 7 - 10 converted.
WP had just bowled a strike, and you thought the roof was going to collapse at the celebration and jubilation of these 6 shouting, whooping, hollering, hugging, and high fiving each other. Like he had just won the World Series. Oh, for the simple things in life. He was the new King. Jared and WP had been treating me as a King, as they were amazed that I had 5 strikes in a row on my way to a respectable 200, which, had it not been for 2 back-to-back non-converted 5 - 7 splits, would have probably been a nice 235 or so. Yes, it was a challenge to focus and hit my mark while bowling with 6 young'uns in the back ground making all kinds of chatter.
For Jared, it was all about ball speed. He saw the MPH on the screen, and was always the most adamant that ball speed was more important than pin count. He too thought that the heavier the ball, the better he would score. He started with a 14 lb. ball which I told him was too heavy, and he couldn't even throw it down the alley dropping it behind him. Trying to save face, he came back to me and told me the fingers didn't fit well, and that he usually rolls an 18 lb. ball that fits him better. But that he bowls the best when he is able to use a 25 lb. ball.
I didn't have the heart to break it to him that no ball is made heavier than 16 lbs. But, I was able to use some reverse psychology on him, and was able to convince him that if he would roll a 6, 7, or 8 lb. ball like all the other kids were rolling, that because he was so strong, stronger than all of us, that he would really be able to smoke us on the MPH ball speed. Well, it worked, he started throwing the 7 lb. ball, and was throwing it quite fast. Not hardly hitting a thing, but he was hitting 16 or 17 MPH, and that is all that he cared about. He was happy, so I was too.
After a few games of bowling, we took a popcorn break. Remember the movie "Gone in 60 seconds"?, well this was the prequel, gone in 60 mille-seconds. Wow, that was fast . . .
Onto the arcade, where $23 was gone in 6 seconds. Wow, that was uber fast . . .
WP & Ava enjoyed the air hockey table. oMike enjoyed the basketball, and skee ball. Jack enjoyed the race cars and skee ball. Jared didn't want to do anything that he told me he wasn't good at, so he focused his attention on the singular whack a mole, or whatever that lever pulling thing was. Emma enjoyed being my shadow and just watching the insanity; as she did not want to play any of the games.
Seriously, the arcade did not last 20 minutes, but they had accumulated enough points to each woof down two laffy taffy's won by their accumulated point totals. They each got to pick the color of laffy taffy, but they did not get to select individual prizes since I had no way of knowing how many points each of them had.
Without question, Emma was the most loving of the bunch. They were all fantastic for me, but Emma knows how much I love hugs and kisses, and she was free flowing with them. She melted my heart at the start of the 2nd bowling game when she tugged on my shirt, and motioned for me to bring my ear down to her mouth. I did, and she said "Pappy, thank you for my new phone, I LOVE it!", so completely out of left field, but her little mind was ticking and she was so sweet and thoughtful to thank me at that precise moment. Totally precious.
To end our time together, we made our trip to the ubiquitous local QT. They were definitely jazzed when I told them they could each have 1 drink, and 1 food item, of anything they wanted. Let's see, testing my short-term memory skills; WP had Funyons and sweet tea. Spaz had a donut with sparkles and a sweet tea. Monster had a large red/white/blue donut and Dr. Pepper. Jack-Jack had a hot dog and cherry freezoni (he ate the bun, and gave the hot dog to oMike). The Reporter had a cup of blueberry donut holes and a watermelon freezoni. oMike had a sweet tea, and a Nestle candy bar, Jack's hotdog, and was working on his own bag of Funyons (I did not see the candy bar consumption, nor pay for it, and will make amends with QT on my next trip in, but my omission was brought to light by The Reporter).
This allegation was confirmed by numerous other eye witnesses under the age of 6, but it slipped by my sight. I was too busy answering unending compliments about how sweet it was, how cute they were, or wow, you've got your hands full, or, oh . . . he/she is so darling. Yes, I was beaming with pride, lots of smiles myself, as I'd heard the same thing a half a dozen times already at Wendy's and the bowling alley.
So, to use the MasterCard cliché: Price of Wendy's: $19. Price of Bowling Shoes/Arcade: $41. Price of QT junk: $17. Total investment for the afternoon of memories: Priceless . . .
I am a blessed man. Truly blessed.
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