Saturday, September 19, 2015

Boys Will Be Boys

My g'girls both look great in virtually 100% of pictures taken of them.  They are both photogenic, have awesome smiles, and don't mind the camera.

The boys however....

This is the typical outcome after 10 pic attempts (I deleted the other 7) to get a group picture of my g'sons, and these are the best 3 pictures.  The net result:  1 good pic of Jack, 2 good pics of Owen, 0 good pics of Will, and 1 good pic of Jared (though he is not looking at the camera).  Oh my boys.

The best pictures of them usually come when they are in their wheelhouses; either glued to the screen on their gameboys, or participating in group sports.  Being silly with sandwiches is not their wheelhouse . . .

I love you boys!  Maybe my attempts to get pics of you at your football games this morning will have something better to show.

I am a blessed man.

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