Friday, August 30, 2013

Ava's Baptism: What Do You Believe?

As an ordained Pastor, I am able to officiate weddings (4), funerals (0), and baptisms (1).

A few weeks ago, we went to my sister in law's home to borrow her pool for Ava's baptism.  Ava's church does not have a baptisty, and she did not want to go through the impersonal church baptism service usually held at the Y.  So, we decided to make it a very special event, and invited all of her family for an evening of food and to surround the pool for her baptism.

It was my pleasure, and my distinct honor to baptize my oldest granddaughter as her public profession of faith with Jesus as her Lord and Savior.  It was a special time.  I will never forget; nor do I think Ava will either.

I look forward to the honor one day of baptizing all the rest of my grandchildren.  And then, a few quick blinks of life after that; to one day marrying each one of them to mates that probably will not initially meet my standards of approval.

Though I have said it many times, it is still the truth: I truly am a blessed man.


Thursday, August 29, 2013


I am a morning person.

On busy days, when some would call it insomnia, I awake well before 4a, and am wide awake, not just a little bit ~ but full blown awake. 

On normal days, my days usually always start by 5 or 5:30, and all without an alarm clock.  My body clock is well-tuned, as I don't wear a watch, but always know (within 10 minutes) what time it is.  Day or night, I can guess the time.  Even when I am sleeping, I can wake up to use the bathroom, and not be more than 15 minutes off from guessing what time it is.

Mornings for me are the only peaceful time of day there is.  I frequently have my daily devotion early in the morning, and/or listen to downloaded sermons.  I download new music, write in my journal, dream about the day, my family, what's coming up for everyone.  There is not much time in my life just for me, but mornings are my time.

The only thing I can't get in the habit of doing in the mornings is exercise.  I do that in the afternoons (not nearly as often as I want to though), but wow, how I wish I could start that morning habit, as it would be so much better for my schedule.

I enjoy being on the road some mornings at 6 or 6:30 and seeing peeps in their cars; wondering, are they a worker bee, or are they the head cheese?  Last week, I was headed back from a 6a appointment that I had in Owasso, and it was right about 6:30 that next to me at the red light (my truck does not know what a green light looks like) was a woman I caught in the act of farding. 

Most unfortunately though (as if farding while driving is not unsafe enough), in her back seat were two young school age children either on their way to day-care, or some form of pre-school child care.  That sure seems early for young children to be forced into a morning person role.  I do it naturally.  I wonder about them? 

I love stopping it a QT early morning.  WOW!  What a bee hive of activity those are in the early morning hours.  Hard to find a stall for gas.  Even harder though to wedge myself to the 'zero calorie' iced tea station, as I have to split the slabs of beef that are standing 24 deep next to the QT starbucks machines filling their 10,000 calorie 64 oz. coffee jugs to start their morning. 

And forget about going down the donut aisle in one of these stores early in the morning.  These slim jim's and dainty debbie's will sooner cut off your hand that allow you to extend your arms sideways while trying to walk through that throng.  Don't worry thunder thighs, I'm not going for that freshly made triple filled jelly donut; it's all yours, I know you're working on that 2nd set of butt cheeks, so that pair in your bag ought to help you out . . .

Are you a morning person too?  My wife is a night owl, usually in bed 11p to 1a, which on most nights by midnight, my night is already half over and hers is just getting started.  Yes, we are opposites in almost everything.

So, for those of you keeping track of my blogs.  It's now a little past 3:30a on my favorite day of the week, and at my favorite time to day!

I'm going to make it a great one . . .

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


What a strange topic.

I love Thursday's.  It is my favorite day of the week.  I know for most peeps it is Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and even Wednesday, since that is the traditional hump day for peeps that work 5 days a week, but for me, typically 6 days a week; Thursday is my hump day.

I enjoy walking to the end of the driveway (unless it is too cold, and then I drive) to pick up the paper; not that I enjoy local news, as for the most part I don't.  I do enjoy reading the Thursday business section, the special "picks" section of the sports page for weekend football games.  And, I enjoy reading the Spot for all kinds of weekend events that are happening ~ that I will never go to . . .

I enjoy the thought that the week is almost over, that last Thursday was just a wink away, and now, another reason I love Thursday's is my old-found love for bowling.  Thursday afternoons are my bowling days.

What is your favorite day of the week?  Well, I'm only 22 hours from my favorite day of the week starting for me!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Grande Propina

"Give, and it shall be given unto you . . ."

I love that promise.

On Monday, my doors were blown off by a sweet older lady, who is about to lose her husband of many decades to kidney failure, and will become a widow.  They are as prepared as you can be, but it has still been a very emotional project knowing what is in store.

We had just finished the large project at her home; as she wanted us to have it completed before her husband passed, and she was so appreciative of the work, that she tipped everyone of the workers. The project had been a dream of theirs for many decades, and they procrastinated until finding us.

When we finished, they were both elated.

Then . . . she tipped me $2,000!

Wow.  Now that is what I call a Grande Propina!  I called to thank her and tell her it was too much, and that she certainly didn't have to do it.  (I did not know about the tip until I took the check out of my wallet when I got to the next appointment), and she was so sweet.  She said "I just knew inside I was supposed to do something special for you."

Thank you Jesus.  I am a blessed man!


And with this un-expected financial blessing, the $2,000 tip will be added to our 'cash for a new C7 Corvette savings fund'.  Woo Hoo!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


This picture does not show the depth of cars, but I could not find the angle that would.  I'm only showing this because of how amazed I am at the popularity of this church. It was taken at 11a on Sunday morning, which is #3 of 6 services for this location on a Sunday.

About a year ago, there was not a LifeChurch in Broken Arrow, (which is the 3rd largest city in Oklahoma).  Fast forward one year, and LifeChurch in BA has 2 services on Saturday, and a whopping 6 services on Sunday, and still needs more! 

This picture shows cars lined from one end of the strip center to the other end, which is about .2 miles away.  It is a huge parking lot, and cars are parked everywhere in it, plus behind the building, plus the grass, plus overflowing into the adjacent QT parking lot.

Having been in church seemingly all my life, I am familiar with the term "sheep shuffling", but wow, how could 10,000 sheep be shuffled just into one building?  That is a ton of sheep for other BA churches to have lost when LifeChurch opened.  I believe that LifeChurch is also attracting 1,000's of new members to church that have never been in a church before.

I love LifeChurch.  The church roots are Methodist, but you would never know that unless digging deep into the history and message on their website.  The services are ultra-modern worship, friendly surroundings, inviting atmosphere, and Pastor Craig teaches real-relevant messages in what can be described as a non-denominational delivery.

For those of you that don't know about LifeChurch, well, it is one pastor (Craig) preaching the message in Edmond, and rebroadcast 1,000's of times a week to various campus'.

The success of this concept for church is astonishing.  Last week, Pastor Craig announced a new record with over 70,000 souls in attendance on campus', and a record 900 professions of faith during the invitation. 

That deserves a resounding Hallelujah!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Pappy "300"

I promised not another bowling blog unless something exciting happened.  Well, it has . . ., at least for me!

For those of you that don't know; 12 strikes in a row in the same game is called a 300, a perfect game.

But, if someone (me) ends the first game with 4 strikes in a row, and that same someone (me) starts the next game with 8 strikes in a row, it is not called a 300.  It is simply called 12 strikes in a row.

So, for the first time in my life, I bowled 12 strikes in a row, and for my own sense of pride, I have decided to name it a Pappy 300.  :-)

Also, for the first time in my life, I rolled a 255 (my previous best was 234, and that was done 34 years ago!)

And, for the first time in my life, I rolled a 605 series, and I have never been in the 600's before.

I told you that I'd not bowled in 34 years, and joined the geezer league, and started the season with a 165 average, with a goal of having a 180 average by the end of the season.

Well, over the last 5 weeks, my average is 190.  Oh la la, I love my new ball.  Yes, I kept my Dad's ball for sentimental reasons, but bought a new Storm 7 weeks ago, and can say that I have figured out how to use it!

That's it.  You can go back to your normal Friday now.

I was just too excited not to share it with someone, even if no one cares . . . :-)

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Food Trucks

On Saturday's of years gone by, one of Pam and I's favorite things to do was hop in the Vette and take off somewhere, anywhere; just getting out and away.  It was a time of respite, but we also both enjoyed the Vette just for all of its own majesty.

Alas, the Vette days are at a temporary impasse, and I never thought it possible that I would miss having one so badly.  We'd had one for 12 years, and I sold my blue C6 in order to buy my new Ford CNG truck.  It's just not the same taking BAT (Big Ass Truck) out for a day to cruise around; but until we buy the new C7 sometime next year, it's going to have to do.

About a month ago, we ventured out, and I'd had a small surprise in store for Pam: Food Trucks.

I did not tell her in advance, as I didn't think that she would approve of my culinary choice for lunch, but I've wanting to stop at them for years.  Goodness, there are over 50 in Tulsa if there is one.

On this particular Saturday, we went to the corner of 31st & Sheridan.  We pulled up, ordered the Tacos de Carbon carne asada fresco de pico e maize tortilla sans salsa e dos, en mucho verde salsa e tres.

Translation: Pam had two steak tacos without salsa, and I had three.  It's so much easier to say it in English, and we can say it with 1/2 the words.  I think they were $2.50 each, and we walked next door for our tea.  We could have had bottled Jarros, or canned Horchata, but we both prefer tea.

The tacos were delicious.  Fresh, hot; wow, they really were good.

But, no way will 3 taco's fill me, so, we drove to the other corner of the same intersection, and I had a BBQ brisket sandwich at another food truck.  It was quite pricey at $7, but it too was very good, hot, fresh, and delicious.

Yesterday, Pam and the girls went to OKC for the day to shop (there are not enough shopping places in Tulsa), and during their 13.5 hour round trip, I gave serious thought to stopping at food trucks for lunch or dinner. 

I'd been out for about 1/2 a day looking at houses to purchase for flipping, but my timing just wasn't right for when they were open, or when they didn't have lines 8 deep at the window.  While traveling down little Mexico alley from 41st & Garnett to 11th & Garnett, I counted 12 food trucks in that 3 mile stretch, and that is just what I saw while trying to keep my eyes on the road, as there could have been more.

Instead, I stopped in at Popeye's for the new waffle batter coated chicken tenders.  BIG mistake; gosh those tasted horrible. 

Wished that I had opted to stand in line at a food truck . . .

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Happy 36th Anniversary!

My bride, my best friend: Pamela Jean (Hajducek) Fournier.

This photo was taken on a beautiful day last fall at my brother in law's house, as we had just returned from the gun range enjoying the sounds and power of ballistic destruction.  It is one of my favorite photo's of Pam, showing her gorgeous smile, her incredible hair, and the pink is symbolic of "she's also quite pretty on the inside".

I love my wife.  A few weeks ago we celebrated our 36th wedding anniversary.  Wow, how fortunate I was that she thought I was good enough to marry.  I truly married over my head.  Actually, most men do; but I really did.

I am truly a blessed and happy man!

I love you Pamela Jean.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

QR Codes

Okay, not that I was ever in the stone ages, but I am officially 'of age' today.  I have created my first QR V-Card, and my first QR Stamp.


So, for those of you still in the stone age asking what is QR?

It stands for Quick Response.  You can download a free barcode scanner App for all Droid and iPhones.  Once you've downloaded the App; I invite you to use my QR stamps as your first ones to scan!