Friday, May 29, 2015

Cheerleading: Mike Fournier - Tulsa

Mike Fournier Tulsa

Ava Corinne will be a Cheerleader for the OSU Cowboys in 10 years.  She has the lungs, the looks, the smile, the strength, the spirit, the drama, the talent, the will, the drive, and the gymnastics skill to "nail that landing."

IF she is not chosen by OSU, it will be their loss, and they will be dealing with one mad (and sad) Pappy.

Personally, I think she is too good for OSU, and ought to devote her time and talents for OU, but hey, that's just my opinion (too bad her Dad does not share that opinion).

But, don't get me wrong, I love OSU too, as long as they are not playing OU :-).  AND...., when she is OSU's cheerleader, I promise you this, my conversion will be complete, and I will never again cheer for OU; well, not as long as Ava is a cheerleader for OSU anyway. :-)

Ready?! OK!

I love you Ava Corinne.  I am so proud of you.

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