Monday, May 25, 2015

WP: Mike Fournier Tulsa

Mike Fournier Tulsa

I have been away from blogging for 5 full months now, and hopefully over the next 20-30 blogs, you will better understand my story of "why" as I will randomly disperse the personal happenings of 2015.  I have missed it dearly, but I have kept many pics and ideas for subjects that I will write about. After spending an hour on a lazy Sunday morning looking at pics, I decided that WP was a great place to re-start my blogging journey.

As I was looking through my phone photo albums, I was stuck in the ones with my g'kids (shocker), and all of the multitudes of great memories that I have with them.

Last Friday, we had dinner with Jackie's family, and as is typical of Will, it was a quiet meal from him, with him hardly saying a word, but looking so kissable that I could barely keep my lips off of him.

So pretty, so quiet, so shy, so demure, and with such a smirk.  Most of those adjectives are reserved for girls/women.  But, they fit WP to a T.

Out of the 100's of photo's of each of my g'kids that are on my phone, these are 7 of my favorites of WP.

I love you Will Parker.  You (as well as the others) steal my heart each time I have time to sit and think about, and each time I get to see you.  My gosh, my "hands Kueny" is now a 3rd grader.  Wow.

I am such a blessed man.

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