Thursday, October 1, 2015

Grand Canyon

The pictures don't do it justice.  Words to describe it won't either.

We took off a few days last week and flew out to the Grand Canyon.  It was my 2nd trip, and Pam's 3rd.  My 1st trip in '07 was met with hazy skies, and while I enjoyed it; the beauty of that trip did not compare to this trip. This time, the temps were pleasant, the skies were clear, and the Canyon was gloriously beautiful.  My regret is not being able to spend an entire day/night there, as I am told that sunset in the Canyon is a lifetime memory.

We were on the most popular south rim again; and my next trip (who knows when), will be on the west rim, as I want to walk out on the cantilevered glass ledge.  And, to be there at sunset too.

If you've never been to see it, I heartily endorse a trip there.

Amazing.  Astonishing.  Awe-inspiring.  And none of those words do it justice. 

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