Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Crew

Ava Corinne.  On her way to All-American crown.

Emma Jo.  On her way to Miss America. She was practicing for the future swimsuit competition.

Will Parker.  On his way to becoming a male model.

Leader of the pack.  Best shout, best base, best smile.

Celebrating another win with his best friend Mason.
These are just a few random pics that popped up on my download list. 
They are just too stinking good not to show off with a Pappy post.
I just posted my most current ones of o'Mike so there are no new ones of him on here; and I so rarely get a photo of Jared and Jack that the only ones I have of them are from a few years ago.
(Jan: please send pics.)
"Happy Thanksgiving" 

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