Sunday, June 28, 2015

Potty Factoids

Courtesy of the men's room in Jimmy John's.
Got some interesting stuff on these placards!

I was most amazed at #13, and yet, that country is undefeated in war with Russia and the USA!

Saturday, June 27, 2015

3rd Annual Pappy's Place Awards: Mike Fournier Tulsa

It is that time of year.  The 3rd Annual Pappy's Place Awards!  Time to award the six best grandchildren with their Pappy's Place Award Accolades:

Jared Henry (J Rod) Stank:  Age 10 8m
Best goalie; in both soccer and lacrosse
Best debater
Best school attendance (tie)
Best looking boy in a cowboy hat never to wear a cowboy hat
Best electronic gameboy
Best variety of eyewear
Best potential for a future Clarence Thomas

Ava Corinne (Monster) Franco: Age 9 4m
Best gymnast and tumbler
Best cheerleader
Best smile (tie)
Best judgment when shopping
Best home chef
Best helper with anything, anytime, anywhere
Best and most sincere compassion for others

Will Parker (WP) Kueny: Age 8 7m

Best math brain and use of 3D rendering skills
Best smirk (lifetime winner ~ no one will ever be better)
Best haircut
Best overall attitude
Best bedtime snuggler
Best 1st baseman
Best boy to ever love his Momma

Jack Arthur (Flap Jack) Stank: Age 7 3m
Best all around jock in basketball, baseball, football, soccer, lacrosse, darts, javelin throw, and marathons
Best catcher in baseball
Best smile (tie)
Best school attendance (tie)
Best intensity on the playing field
Best scar on the leg
Best of most likely to still be talking when he is asleep

Emma Jo (Spaz) Franco: Age 7 0m
Best imitation of a diva
Best grazer of junk food
Best kisser of Pappy
Best bear hugger of Pappy
Best bike rider
Best drone
Best of most likely to always get what she wants

Owen Michael (o'Mike) Kueny: Age 5 11m
Best boom box voice
Best camper
Best imitation of a caveman
Best animal lover
Best imitation of Nini's people perception skills
Best swagger

Best imitation of casanova



I am so blessed to be your Pappy.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Corvettes: Mike Fournier Tulsa

Spring and Autumn is the time of year when I miss our Vette the most.  Though on summer days like today, I miss them too!  This is our red C5 which we owned for over 10 years, and our blue C6 which we owned for over 10 months.

Alas, we have been Vetteless now for almost 2 full years.  Originally, we sold the C6 with the intention of immediately buying the new version C7.  But, that did not work out as no dealer in the country had adequate allotments for the set up that I wanted on the new C7.  And then a real estate investment purchase went south, so that delayed the purchase yet again.

And then we moved into a rent home 2 months ago while we are in the process of building our next home, and the rent home does not have enough garages to keep a new C7 parked in, so that has delayed us a 3rd time!

As Pam will attest, my head doesn't turn to gawk at pretty women (unless I think I just saw Salma Hayek or Shania Twain), but my head definitely turns to stare at every new C7 that comes within gawking distance . . .

Agonizing.  The wait seems interminable.  One more BIG reason that I can't get our new home built fast enough for me!

Breakfast: Mike Fournier Tulsa

My weekday breakfasts of a morning are either at McDonald's or QT.  Sometimes as early as 6:30, and rarely later than 8:30. 

On a recent weekday morning, I pulled into the local McD and barely found a parking spot, and thought wow, this place is really busy today.  Walking in, I expected to see lines 3 deep at each register.  Instead, what I saw was every single table and chair occupied by Septagarians and Octagarians, and Nintyagarians, and no place left for an almost 60agarian to sit and eat.  So, I stood, and watched while I chewed.

I observed that over 90% of the patrons were no longer eating, and didn't appear to have been eating for quite some time, as mold was already growing on some of the cheese droppings.  Most of them too were on their 8th or 9th cup of Free senior coffee, and probably had finished eating about 3 hours earlier.

What in the heck can people talk about day after day for hour after hour at the same time and place every day?  My gosh that would get boring after the 1st day to me.  But . . . I am NOT much of a talker.  I talk enough, and when I need to, but I have never been accused of being overly friendly, overly gregarious, or someone with diarrhea of the mouth.

I am more of the strong silent type.  I talk when I need to, and when I do, I usually have a very strong opinion about a particular subject, and I am the one that is right.  (Black or white, yes or no, not much gray in my life).  So, when I say strong, I mean in that my opinions are strong.  I'm right, and most of the time if you don't agree with me, you are the one that is wrong.  And if you don't agree with me, I don't give a rip, because you're the moron, not me.  Know the type?  Yep, I bet you do Mr. Free Refill.

Maybe I will try the new Taco Bell breakfast tomorrow . . .

Monday, June 22, 2015

Franco Food: Mike Fournier Tulsa

One memory that will forever be embedded in the hearts, minds, and stomachs of my granddaughter's is that their Pappy loves to eat, loves to cook, and loves to watch his girls enjoying themselves around food.

Here are a collection of recent photo's with my Franco girls as it relates to food with Pappy.

I love you girls!

I am so blessed.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Franco Bling

I absolutely love spending 1 on 1 time with each of my grandchildren.  Last Saturday was about 7 hours of non-stop Franco girl loving.

We began our day with lunch at Olive Garden; one of their favorite restaurants.  We then made a trip to get a truck wash for Pappy's truck, which was good for 5 hours, as the next round of Monsoons rolled in that evening.  Then, the stopover at one of the ubiquitous local QT's for snack time.  They each had a twister (like a DQ Blizzard).  Special note: you would NEVER know this about me unless I disclosed it, but I was such a skinny young boy that I used to be able to double cross my legs just like Emma is doing in this pic.

Shortly after QT, it was time for Bling shopping.  Fortunately, Bling to them still consists of the $2 jewelry stores.  I'm not sure what this here Pappy will do when they want me to take them shopping at the $2,000 jewelry stores . . ., I gotta be thinking about a Plan B for that one . . ., or be Trumping it by then (can you believe he has a 'net' worth of $9 billion ~ wow!?)

But, they were so darling perusing the aisles for their jewelry purchases.  There were 3 rules: 1) It must be something that Mom would allow them to wear.  2) It must be something that won't be broken by the time I get them re-strapped into their seats in my truck.  And 3) It must be something that they 'need', which had a very loose interpretation.

They looked so diligently, and I loved watching them just be girls.  Holding things up, pretending to wear it, looking in the mirror, and finally "Do you like this Pappy?"  If they like it, who am I to disagree!?  Of course darling, it looks spectacular on you.

My favorite item that Ava purchased was a white head band with a bling accent in the middle.  My favorite item that Emma purchased was a turquoise bracelet.

From there, we went back to Nini's house, and they grazed from their food shelves for snacks (yes, we have special areas reserved just for grandchildren 'food').  And then we watched Ice Age 2, which I found to be quite entertaining, and very funny in several parts.  The girls roared as loud as I did during some of the squirrel bits, and the requested rewind to watch it again ~ which of course I obliged.  (I particularly enjoyed having Emma Jo snuggle next to me for well over 80% of the movie!)

The day started with food, so of course it had to end with food too, and as you can tell, there was plenty of food in between as well.  Their parents had arrived for pick up, but these girls were starving of course, so we went to The Brook, and ate a belly full of great tasting food which was absolutely horrific for our bodies.  Why is that the case?  It seems that the bad food should taste bad, and the good food should taste good; not the other way around!

I love you Ava Corinne!  I love you Emma Jo!  You Made My Day!

I am so blessed.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Xaiden: A Very Special 6.5 Year Old Entrepeneur "A MUST READ"

Last week, I had the distinct pleasure of meeting Xaiden Ray Shultz.

I don't have much hope for the future of America as I once knew it, but with more children like Xaiden being bred and born, and raised right; maybe there is hope for a sliver of freedom to be left 50 years from now when they and my grandchildren are my age.

Ava Corinne might be the next Joyce Meyer or Giadi De Laurentiis, or both!

Will Parker might be the next Frank L. Wright.

Jared Henry might be the next great Clarence Thomas.

Jack Arthur might be the next George Brett or Cal Ripken.

Emma Jo might be the next Miss America.

Owen Michael WILL BE the next Daniel Boone or Davy Crockett or Grizzly Adams or Lewis Meriwether.


While I was on an appointment for Sonrise Construction, I was meeting with Xaiden's Mom, and there was a need for a measuring assistant, and Xaiden was soon drafted to help.  He met the task with focus, seriousness, and a sincere willingness.

I hadn't known this young boy for even 15 minutes and I knew already that I loved him and that he was special.  Just the way he could talk to an adult was better than how most adults can talk to adults.  He is bright, articulate, driven, polite, handsome, and loves his Mom!  He's got it all going in the right way thus far!

Towards the end of our meeting, somehow the subject of discussion turned to Xaiden's own website, and his own custom made jewelry and art work.  The top picture is a bracelet that Xaiden had made and gave to me when I left.  The next photo is of course his darling picture.  This boy is handsome!

I strongly encourage you to click on the link and visit his website.  It is impressive.  I went through every page of his website (it is 100% authentic), and special ordered an artist print.  It is for his version and interpretation of "The Avengers" (my favorite group of superhero's), and I believe it will be ready for hanging by mid July.  He is going to sign and date my copy.  I would love to be able to keep track of this future young man, and see what he does in life!  I believe that he has a special calling that will one day be revealed.
I also found out that Xaiden's Dad is a partner with a good friend of mine's accounting firm Hogan Taylor, operated by lead partner Randy Nail of Tulsa.  That was quite the coincidence!

Nice to meet you Xaiden!  From now on, you may call me Pappy.

P.S.  (We need to talk about remuneration for referrals) :-).


Thursday, June 18, 2015


Owen Michael
Spidey boy
Mr. Nature
Dog lover
A Mess
Iron man

Many names, one heart.  100%. Pure. Boy.  (I had to deduct 10% because he does not like sports, but I then I added an extra 10% back in because he loves so much more than most boys when it comes to nature, dogs, frogs, camping, hiking, etc.)  :-)

He brings so much joy into anyone's life that knows him like I know him.  These are some of my favorite recent pictures of my little caveman.

I love you Owen Michael with all my heart! 

I am a blessed man!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


A few years ago I blogged about WP (Jackie's son) having 5th generation ears dating back to my Grandpa.  They could obviously be older than 5th generation, but all the prior descendants are deceased.

Well, descending from Angela (my other daughter), this is a picture of my hand with one of Emma Jo's on top.  They are 4th generation hands.  Starting with my Dad, then me, then Aunt Jackie (yep, they skipped Angela her mom), and now Emma Jo.  This is accentuated by a freaky occurrence on the DNA tree with heads too at the same time!  My Dad has a small peanut head, then me, then Aunt Jackie (once again skipping Angela), and now Emma Jo too has the 4th generation peanut head.

Her hands and head could be older than 4th generation, but my Dad was taken in by the Catholic church as an abandoned orphan during the Great Depression, and we have no idea who his family was, though we tried to find out from his adoption papers later in life.  Which means of course, we have no idea about genealogy past my Dad for even older peanut heads and hands.

The shared hands characteristics are unmistakable.  Same shape, slender, nail beds, knuckles; all shared to the finest detail.  I love to see the DNA soup work it's magic like this.

And to think the world is still full of idiots that don't believe in God.

I love you Emma Jo, every part of you (not just your hands) :-) !

Monday, June 8, 2015

Looky Lou's - Rubber Neckers

What is it with wrecks that causes 98% of drivers to gawk, to peer, to stain to see something; anything?

I just don't get it.

Looky Lou's, Rubber Neckers . . . whatever you call them, you are probably one of them!

Eyes straight ahead ~ you slowing down to look is not going to change circumstances.  Look right here for a minute, yes, right here. "YOU'RE NOT GOING TO SEE ANYTHING!" SO. STOP. LOOKING!.!.!

Do YOU realize how many wrecks you create (or almost create) from slowing the flow of traffic so much so that other rear-end crashes are bound (and do!) occur?  No? I didn't think so . . .

Driving is hazardous enough ~ driving around texters and looky lou's is flat scary.  Think about that the next time you text while being a rubber necker!

For me, today was a day for two near-misses (or near-hits is a more correct term).  One rubber necker almost became a "head disconnected from neck-er", as my beast of a truck was within mere inches of completely disintegrating the little Honda Civic that this idiot was driving WHILE TEXTING (OR TRYING TO TAKE A YOU TUBE VIDEO) AND RUBBER NECKING AT THE SAME TIME!

Some how this moron with his head to the left looking at the wreck with his phone hand up in the air going the opposite direction missed seeing my behemoth of a truck in the middle lane doing 68 on Hwy 169, and you've seen what happens on TV when the right rear corner gets clipped; it always spins the car sideways, thus exposing the entire passenger side, of which would have then been completely run over by my truck, and the driver would have been squashed ~ killed ~ beheaded ~ whatever you want to call it.

And speaking of texting while driving . . .

Is there a more dangerous sport?

And why did our good Governor decide to make it illegal on Nov. 1st, when she signed it into law on May 1st?  Why the 6 month delay?  Let people continue to text, drive, and die while texting for 6 more months?  That just does not make sense.  Why not make it illegal immediately?  Politicians. Go figure.    

And out into the world of Tulsa traffic I shall now venture again; but hopefully not until tomorrow . . .

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Nature Boy

I have never been much of one for the outdoors.  Hunting, fishing, boating, nature walks, camping, etc., not for me.  Give me a double size room at the Residence Inn, a guy movie, and a rack of bbq ribs, and that is my idea of roughing it.

Owen Michael LOVES nature.  Innately so!

Sitting and watching ducks, walking beside and smelling flowers, picking up a turtle/talking to him/kissing him, and later bringing him home ~ that's our Owen.

Owen loves to camp, and to do ANYTHING outdoors.  He will undoubtedly live in the woods one day, and he better have a wife that doesn't mind going #2 with wild animals, because this little boy is going to demand an inordinate amount of time hunting for Bigfoot.

Yes, when you are older, I will go with you on your outdoor adventures, but there needs to be a nice hotel close by for me to escape to after you've gone to sleep on your bed of pine needles . . .

I love you my precious caveman ~ I see paleo written all over your face!

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Grand girls

There is nothing quite like being hugged and kissed by your granddaughters.  I must say that it gives me a special kind of goosebump.

As I have blogged before about me being a daughter Daddy, and have stated on numerous occasions the overwhelming blessing it has been to be Pappy to Ava, Emma, Will, Owen, Jared, and Jack; there is nothing quite like a granddaughters love.  It reminds me of a daughters love.  I never had sons, but I know from my grandsons, that the love is equal but different.

How can that be?  Well, let me explain it with a liquid analogy.  Iced Tea and Pepsi are no two favorite drinks.  Fill either one to the top with ice, and I will enjoy each one of them equally the same; as I do not have a preference of one over the other.

Let me have some time to do something special with my boys.  Let me have some time to do something special with my girls.  No different.  I will enjoy and cherish each minute with each of them.

The 'only' difference is affection.  I am a kisser, a hugger, a squeezer, a rub-ber.  I love to kiss, rub, hug, hold, squeeze; I can never get enough.  I can never be satiated.  My need for their affection will always be insatiable.  Always.  I am the same with my daughters, and my wife.  It is just me.

The boys however do not enjoy receiving nearly as much affection as I enjoy giving.  Owen loves it the most.  And for my granddaughter's, they both accept it, they both love it, but one of them (Emma) definitely has a preference of it more so than Ava.  It is just their makeup.  And I accept that.

One night at Braum's, Ava slides up next to me and gives me one of the greatest hugs that this Pappy has ever known.  I am glad that her Mom got it on camera.  It meant the world to me.  Not on camera was the smooch on my cheek that was followed by her hug.  Unprompted, unscripted, total love.

I am putty in their hands.  (And they know it).  But . . ., I wouldn't want it Any. Other. Way.

I love you girls.

I am such a blessed man.