Friday, June 26, 2015

Corvettes: Mike Fournier Tulsa

Spring and Autumn is the time of year when I miss our Vette the most.  Though on summer days like today, I miss them too!  This is our red C5 which we owned for over 10 years, and our blue C6 which we owned for over 10 months.

Alas, we have been Vetteless now for almost 2 full years.  Originally, we sold the C6 with the intention of immediately buying the new version C7.  But, that did not work out as no dealer in the country had adequate allotments for the set up that I wanted on the new C7.  And then a real estate investment purchase went south, so that delayed the purchase yet again.

And then we moved into a rent home 2 months ago while we are in the process of building our next home, and the rent home does not have enough garages to keep a new C7 parked in, so that has delayed us a 3rd time!

As Pam will attest, my head doesn't turn to gawk at pretty women (unless I think I just saw Salma Hayek or Shania Twain), but my head definitely turns to stare at every new C7 that comes within gawking distance . . .

Agonizing.  The wait seems interminable.  One more BIG reason that I can't get our new home built fast enough for me!

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