Sunday, June 7, 2015

Nature Boy

I have never been much of one for the outdoors.  Hunting, fishing, boating, nature walks, camping, etc., not for me.  Give me a double size room at the Residence Inn, a guy movie, and a rack of bbq ribs, and that is my idea of roughing it.

Owen Michael LOVES nature.  Innately so!

Sitting and watching ducks, walking beside and smelling flowers, picking up a turtle/talking to him/kissing him, and later bringing him home ~ that's our Owen.

Owen loves to camp, and to do ANYTHING outdoors.  He will undoubtedly live in the woods one day, and he better have a wife that doesn't mind going #2 with wild animals, because this little boy is going to demand an inordinate amount of time hunting for Bigfoot.

Yes, when you are older, I will go with you on your outdoor adventures, but there needs to be a nice hotel close by for me to escape to after you've gone to sleep on your bed of pine needles . . .

I love you my precious caveman ~ I see paleo written all over your face!

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