What is it with wrecks that causes 98% of drivers to gawk, to peer, to stain to see something; anything?
I just don't get it.
Looky Lou's, Rubber Neckers . . . whatever you call them, you are probably one of them!
Eyes straight ahead ~ you slowing down to look is not going to change circumstances. Look right here for a minute, yes, right here. "YOU'RE NOT GOING TO SEE ANYTHING!" SO. STOP. LOOKING!.!.!
Do YOU realize how many wrecks you create (or almost create) from slowing the flow of traffic so much so that other rear-end crashes are bound (and do!) occur? No? I didn't think so . . .
Driving is hazardous enough ~ driving around texters and looky lou's is flat scary. Think about that the next time you text while being a rubber necker!
For me, today was a day for two near-misses (or near-hits is a more correct term). One rubber necker almost became a "head disconnected from neck-er", as my beast of a truck was within mere inches of completely disintegrating the little Honda Civic that this idiot was driving WHILE TEXTING (OR TRYING TO TAKE A YOU TUBE VIDEO) AND RUBBER NECKING AT THE SAME TIME!
Some how this moron with his head to the left looking at the wreck with his phone hand up in the air going the opposite direction missed seeing my behemoth of a truck in the middle lane doing 68 on Hwy 169, and you've seen what happens on TV when the right rear corner gets clipped; it always spins the car sideways, thus exposing the entire passenger side, of which would have then been completely run over by my truck, and the driver would have been squashed ~ killed ~ beheaded ~ whatever you want to call it.
And speaking of texting while driving . . .
Is there a more dangerous sport?
And why did our good Governor decide to make it illegal on Nov. 1st, when she signed it into law on May 1st? Why the 6 month delay? Let people continue to text, drive, and die while texting for 6 more months? That just does not make sense. Why not make it illegal immediately? Politicians. Go figure.
And out into the world of Tulsa traffic I shall now venture again; but hopefully not until tomorrow . . .
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